Monday, 16 May 2016 19:34

Authorities, Boards and Commissions

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services Board of Directors

The board of directors is the governing body of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services that provide substance abuse services for residents of Cameron, Elk , and McKean counties who are needing education, information, or treatment for alcohol or drug related issues.  A full continuum of alcohol and other drug prevention, intervention, and treatment services is offered to all ages.  This includes referral and evaluation, outpatient and inpatient treatment, Student Assistance Program, educational services, case management and prevention services.

Area Transportation Authority

The Area Transportation Authority is successful in providing public transportation in the most rural region of the state of Pennsylvania (Cameron, Clearfield, Elk, Jefferson, McKean, and Potter counties). ATA has been improving its service to the six counties since its inception in 1976. Proof came in the summer of 2001 when ATA was recognized by APTA for being the most improved rural transportation provider in the nation in terms of safety.

ATA provides easy mobility to the public, which stimulates retail business sales and supports private industry by moving hundreds of commuters every working day of the year. Public transit decreases traffic congestion, wear and tear on highways, and accidents, all of which hold insurance premiums down.

Bennett's Branch Watershed Association

The Bennett's Branch Watershed Association is dedicated to the protection, sound management and enhancement of the watershed community, and was formed to conserve the natural integrity, historical and cultural resources of the watershed. The Association is committed to enhancing the fishable, recreational and aesthetic values of the stream for generations to come.


Citizens Against Physical, Sexual and Emotional Abuse, Inc. (CAPSEA, Inc.) exists to deal with the problems and concerns of abuse victims in Elk counties and with other serious crime victims in Elk County. The program is based on the firm belief that the rights of women and children should be identified sanctioned and protected. Citizens Against Physical, Sexual and Emotional Abuse, Inc. of Elk and Cameron counties is committed to the feminist approach of empowerment counseling to all women, men, and children who are victims of abuse in Elk and Cameron counties. CAPSEA, Inc. through its feminist approach is committed to:

1. Preventing and/or reducing the effects of physical and emotional abuse to battered women by offering temporary shelter and emotional support to present, past and potential victims.

2. To prevent sexual assault/abuse and alleviate its harmful effects by offering emotional and alleviate its harmful effects by offering emotional support to past, present and potential victims and shelter, when necessary.

3. To reduce/prevent the physical and emotional effects of crime to victims by offering emotional support, information and referrals to present, past and potential victims of crime.

4. To provide services designed to promote the general welfare of women and their families.

5. CAPSEA, Inc. Board, Staff and Volunteers shall share in the responsibility for helping the public understand the philosophy of CAPSEA, Inc. and to participate in its feminist approach to women and abuse issues.

Children and Youth Services Advisory Commission

County residents serving on the Elk County Children and Youth Services Advisory Board are appointed by the Elk County Commissioners.  The role of this board, as defined by the Department of Public Welfare, is to review and make recommendations pertaining to the county children and youth agency’s operation.  The board is representative of the county’s population in relation to race and sex.

 Duties and responsibilities as outlined by in the Commonwealth bulletin include but are not limited to; making recommendations on matters referred by the county officials or agency director, suggesting policies for the agency’s operation and offering advice on the development of the county’s children and youth service plan and budget estimate.

Conservation District Board of Directors

The board of directors of the Elk County Conservation District are responsible for the conservation of the natural resources of their district.  In order for directors to be a vital force in the conservation movement they need to be familiar with their district resources.  They must be generally acquainted with the people and resource conservation problems of their district, and sufficiently concerned to search for and provide solutions to these problems.

Criminal Justice Advisory Board (CJAB)

The Elk County Criminal Justice Advisory Board provides a continuing forum in which key decision-makers and policy-planners in the Criminal Justice System collaborate by researching, planning, and recommending to the agencies and decision-makers integrated and prioritized approaches to criminal justice policy and program planning.

The purpose of the Board is to "Advance the effectiveness and efficiency of the Elk County Criminal Justice System by providing a forum for dialogue and for the exchange of ideas and to keep abreast of new technology to address the needs of the justice system in Elk County."

Elk County Community Foundation

The Elk County Community Foundation’s main goal is for the improvement of the community in the present and for the future. The ECCF was founded in 1999 and has a board that consists of 13 citizen volunteers. The foundation supports non-profit organizations of new and existing programs.  Donations given to the foundation are used to improve and maintain the local area and are also held and invested in order for the funds to accumulate over the years for future community projects. 

“The Elk County Community Foundation is a vehicle for individuals, families, not-for-profit organizations and businesses to establish permanent named funds that will provide grants in perpetuity to the widest range of local charitable organizations and programs.”

Elk County Industrial Development Authority

The Authority was created in 1972 to be the stewards of industrial development for Elk County. The purpose of the Authority is to foster industrial development in Elk County by providing affordable land and low interest financing to the existing, as well as new, industries within the county.

Elk County Redevelopment Authority

The Authority was reactivated in 2003 to provide  services to Elk County that promotes business development through use of private sector resources. Such services are used to create a partnership with the public sector's efforts in the areas of marketing, job creation, cultural, and civic welfare so as to improve the quality of life of the residents of Elk County.

Family Resource Network Advisory Committee

“Through cross system collaboration we support our children, families and communities through a holistic, creative, outcome based approach by building upon strengths.”

As a result of the Family Service System Reform (FSSR) a federal initiative that focuses on meeting the needs of families in the community through a sustained collaborative effort; the Elk County Family Resource Network/Collaborative Board began in 1995.

The purpose of the Collaborative Board is to provide a setting in which parents, agency representatives serving children and families, community leaders, and residents can come together and act as a catalyst to improve the well being of children and families, and serve as a mechanism to stimulate research, discussion, evaluation and implementation of programs in support of children and families in Elk County. 

The Collaborative Board assists in the development of policies and plans for services for children and families. This board also acts as a network to enhance communication and mutual understanding among human service professionals, government leaders, the service and religious communities, and the public at large. It will also serve to seek and disseminate grant information, organize and conduct evaluation, analysis and research to assist the collaborative efforts of the Elk County Community.

Headwaters Resource Conservation & Development Council

The council provides leadership in a partnership effort to help people conserve, maintain, and improve our natural resources and environment.

Historical Society Board

The Elk County Historical Society is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization that consists of a Victorian Era house and the Robinson museum containing exhibits, a book store, and a genealogy room. The Society is a nonprofit membership organization funded through memberships, donations, and grants, and governed by a 15-member Board of Directors.

Hotel Tax Committee

The Committee was created in 2003 to be the stewards of revenues collected by implementation of a hotel tax levied on rooms rented within the county.

Housing Authority Board

The  Housing Authority Board serves as the governing body and advisory board to the Elk County Housing Authority which provides housing assistance through vouchers and facilities available to all income-eligible residents. 

Lumber Heritage Region

The Pennsylvania Lumber Heritage Region (LHR) is a local grassroots project with the purpose of highlighting and interpreting the rich cultural, historic, natural and recreational resources of Pennsylvania's forests. The LHR is premised on the fact that the region has significant sites, places, communities, peoples, traditions and events it wishes to share with its neighbors and fellow Pennsylvania's.

MH/MR Advisory Board

The Mental Health and Mental Retardation Program, as the managing authority under Pennsylvania statue for mental health and mental retardation services, plans, funds, monitors and evaluates the availability, effectiveness and efficiency of services.

The MH/MR Board is committed to providing cooperative leadership in fostering a quality, community based and comprehensive delivery system for citizens of Cameron and Elk  Counties. That commitment also includes an assurance that services funded by the Board will be provided in the least restrictive manner, will be cost effective and publicly accountable with regard to quality and finance.

NCPRPDC Board of Directors

NCPRPDC is a regional; multi-county development agency which, under the guidance of a public policy board, provides leadership, expertise and services to communities, businesses, institutions and residents. NCPRPDC seeks to increase growth opportunities without compromising the region's predominantly rural character. The organization is both a direct service provider for certain technologies and a link to other resources that can be applied to a assortment of community and economic needs. NCPRPDC is also acts as an advocate for regional community interests at the state and federal levels.

North Central PA Workforce Investment Board

The mission of the North Central Workforce Investment Board is to provide the leadership to ensure the development of a quality, results-oriented local workforce investment system focusing on accessibility, accountability, community empowerment and continuous improvement. The Goals of the WIB are:

1. A One-Stop CareerLink Center will be developed and opened in every 'major' local labor market area in the North Central region.

2. Employer and job seeker customers and the community at large will know about and use the workforce investment system and will understand its strong ties to economic development.

3. The customer and market-driven workforce investment system and CareerLink Centers will have high customer satisfaction rates from employer and job seeker customers.

4. A comprehensive, proactive education and training system will be developed that meets the needs of employers, job seekers, and the currently employed for basic and advanced skills and ongoing skills      upgrading.

5. The workforce investment system will be responsive to changing and emerging customer needs, cost effective, and continually improving.

6. The North Central workforce investment system will meet and exceed the federally mandated performance measures, and will ensure that this does not negatively impact achievement of the other goals.

Elk County Emergency Food & Shelter Board

The Board is an organizational group that hosts Elk County's food banks and other service and shelter programs.  The services provided by the board benefit a wide spectrum of individuals and families facing a variety of food and shelter needs. Funds provided for the programs are received from the federal government and are disseminated through Northern Tier Community Action.

Office of Human Services/ Area Agency on Aging Board

The Office of Human Services/ Area Agency on Aging Board serves as the governing board for the Office of Human Services which provides in-home assessments, care management, alternatives to nursing home care, protective services, and information to persons age 60 and over.  Volunteer opportunities are available through the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP).

Penn State Cooperative Extension Association Board

The Extension Board is the executive group of the Elk County Cooperative Extension Association. All citizens of the county are eligible to be members of the Association Board. The Extension Board works in an advisory and marketing capacity for Extension programs. The Board works in partnership with local Penn State extension staff to facilitate effective educational programs that meet local needs. The Board is responsible for obtaining adequate local financial support and resources needed to conduct the programs. They have final approval over budget, program, and resource support. The Extension Board works with the Extension Director to develop the local County Operating Budget and has final approval of the budget proposed to the County Commissioners. The Board in partnership with the staff is responsible for the development, marketing, implementation, and evaluation of a total extension program.

Planning Commission

The Elk County Planning Commission  consists of nine (9) members appointed by the Board of Commissioners.  These members represent a geographic balance of the county's twelve (12) municipalities.  Primarily the Planning Commission is responsible for reviewing and approving subdivision applications, recommending projects for the county's CDBG entitlement, reviewing transportation projects, and addressing other planning issues including those defined by the Municipalities Planning Code. 

Prison Board

The Elk County Prison Board is comprised of the three commissioners, county treasurer, district attorney, sheriff, and the prison warden.  The board is responsible for the management and other related issues regarding the operations of the county prison.

Solid Waste Authority Advisory Commission

The Elk County Solid Waste Authority is a board comprised of a cross-section of county residents whose mission is to enforce the county solid waste ordinance and further recycling and solid waste efforts within Elk County.

Stackpole Hall Foundation

Provides grants in Education, Health, Social Service, Community Development, and The Arts to Elk County Not-for-Profit Organizations.


Read 69184 times Last modified on Wednesday, 16 October 2024 15:37


Elk County Courthouse
250 Main Street
P.O. Box 448
Ridgway, PA 15853

Elk County Courthouse Annex
300 Center Street
P.O. Box 448
Ridgway, PA 15853