Thursday, 12 May 2016 11:51

NEWS from the Elk County Sheriff's Office

*NEWS From the Elk County Sheriff's Office*


Governor Wolf has granted an additional extension to LTC's. Permits expiring on 3/19/20 or later are now valid through 9/30/20. Please see full Press Release from the Pennsylvania State Police (left).

Applications can be found on our website at:…/…/203-license-to-carry-protection-permits

To submit an application, simply print, fill out and mail to our office for processing. You will be contacted with further instructions upon approval.

Our office is also accepting appointments for issuing new and renewal permits. If you have received notice that your application has been approved, please call 776-5353 to schedule an appointment.

Update 5-21-2020
MED RETURN PROGRAM:  Residents are reminded that the Med Return Program is still active.  Sheriff’s Deputies are available to pick up any unused medications from anyone in Elk County who may have concerns about travelling to any location of the collection boxes during this confusing time.  Anyone wishing to drop off unused medications at the Sheriff’s Office should call upon arrival due to the judicial emergency that is still in effect, and a deputy will meet them outside of the courthouse. Simply call the Sheriff’s Office @ 776-5353 Monday thru Friday between the hours of 08:30 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. to arrange for unused medications to be picked up at your home by a Deputy Sheriff or dropped off to the Sheriff’s Office at the courthouse.

Update 3-27-2020
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania designated state of emergency due to the Coronovirus (COVID-19) remains in effect. The following changes that have been implemented at the Elk County Courthouse and Elk County Sheriff’s Office to address the widespread outbreak of COVID-19 to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public, county and court employees, attorneys, and participants in court proceedings remain in effect.

Please note the time changes for processing License to Carry Permits in the Sheriff’s Office:

➢ Access to the Elk County Courthouse will be limited exclusively to ESSENTIAL JUDICIAL FUNCTIONS and PROCEEDINGS before the Court.

➢ Beginning on Monday, March 30th, the Elk County Sheriff’s Office has changed and extended the time to process License to Carry Permits to between the hours of 10:00 AM – 3:00 P.M. for all approved applications. Permit holders should present themselves at the single point of entry where they will be screened and provided instructions before accessing the Sheriff’s Office.

➢ Any items needing delivery to offices within the Courthouse may be dropped off at the single-point of entry.

➢ Legal documents requiring filing should be conducted by the United States Postal Service.

➢ Direct in-person filing is limited to exceptional and extraordinary circumstances, and then only by prior approval by telephone from the elected official of the filing office.

➢ Elk County Sheriff sales scheduled for Thursday, March 19th, 2020 will be rescheduled to Thursday, April 23, 2020.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this time.

March 17, 2020


Upon consideration of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania being in a state of emergency due to the Coronovirus (COVID-19), effective Tuesday, March 17th, 2020, the following changes will be implemented at the Elk County Courthouse and Elk County Sheriff’s Office to address the widespread outbreak of COVID-19 and to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public, county and court employees, attorneys, and participants in court proceedings:

  • Access to the Elk County Courthouse will be limited exclusively to elected officials, employees, attorneys, jurors, parties & witnesses to a case with a scheduled proceeding that has not otherwise been continued, and members of the media.

  • Access by the general public shall be restricted to official and essential business that needs absolute immediate attention as determined by the Elk County Sheriff on a case by case basis.

Specifically, in the Elk County Sheriff’s Office, License to Carry Permits will only be processed between the hours of 12:30 – 3:30 P.M. and will be limited to those permits/applications that are expiring within one week.

Any items needing delivery to offices within the Courthouse may be dropped off at the single-point of entry.

Elk County Sheriff sales scheduled for Thursday, March 19th, 2020 will be rescheduled to Thursday, April 23, 2020. 

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this time.

October 4, 2019

The month of October has been designated as National Domestic Violence Month.

First designated in 1981, the movement has grown to offer numerous support services as well as laws to support and protect victims of domestic violence.

CAPSEA (Citizens Against Physical, Sexual, & Emotional Abuse) is at the forefront in Elk County providing services, advocacy, and shelter for victims when needed.

The Elk County Sheriff’s Office asks that we pause this month, to reflect on the seriousness of domestic violence, and develop a deeper understanding of the trauma that is involved, and its impact on individuals and society. To learn more, or if you are in need of assistance, please visit CAPSEA’s website @ where you can find much needed information.


  • March 5, 2019

On March 5, 2019, 226 pounds of unused medications collected during the first quarter of this year were transferred to the PA National Guard and agents from the PA Attorney General's Office for destruction.  Since the start of the program in September 2016, over 1,942 pounds of unused medications have been collected and transferred for destruction.  Residents are reminded that Med Return collection boxes are located at all law enforcement stations/offices in Elk County (Elk County Sheriff's Office, City of St. Marys Police Department, Ridgway Borough Police Department, Johnsonburg Borough Police Department, and the Pennsylvania State Police Barracks in Ridgway).  Unused medications can be deposited at any of the locations.  Citizens can remain anonymous by blacking out any personal information on the packaging.  Confidentiality is strictly maintained.  The collection program provides for a safe, convenient, and environmentally-safe way to discard unused medications.  The Drug Take Back/ Med Collection Program is a collaboration between the District Attorney's Office and the Sheriff's Office of Elk County. 

  • August 14, 2018

    A message from Sheriff Todd Caltagarone...

    Elk County students will be heading back to school next week. It is a good time to review some safety tips with our motoring public.

    1)  Be on the lookout for school zone signals and ALWAYS obey the speed limits.

    2)  When entering a school zone, be sure to slow down and obey all traffic laws.

    3)  Always stop for a school bus with a flashing red signal that is loading or unloading children.

    4)  Watch out for school crossing guards and obey their signals.

    5)  Keep an eye out for school children. They can be unpredictable and enter a roadway with little warning.      

    6)  Report any violators to the local police.

  • June 13, 2018

    On June 6th and June 12th Sheriff Todd Caltagarone, District Attorney Shawn McMahon, and Commissioners Dan Freeburg, Jan Kemmer, & Matt Quesenberry enjoyed lunch with seniors at the Jones Township Senior Center and the Johnsonburg Senior Center. Both Centers hosted an unused medication collection from 11 AM – 1:00 PM each day. The program is intended to remove and destroy unused medications in an environmentally safe way while at the same time improving the health and safety of Elk County Citizens. Drug collection boxes are located at all Elk County local Police Stations and at the Pennsylvania State Police Barracks where they are accessible 24 hours a day. A collection box at the Sheriff’s office is accessible Monday through Friday during normal business hours.

The program is a joint effort between the Sheriff and District Attorney’s Office and adheres to a firm policy for the collection, control, and destruction of all collected unused medications. Collected medications are weighed and secured until such time on a quarterly basis where they are transferred to the PA National Guard for transportation to a facility for destruction. The Sheriff’s Office assures citizens of strict confidentiality and that no information is collected from the medications. Citizens can black out names on any prescription medication containers to alleviate any worry.

And on June 5th 161 pounds of unused medications was transferred to the PA National Guard for destruction. Guard members were accompanied by Agents from the Attorney General’s Office. 

March 28, 2018

The Elk County Sheriff’s Office is urging all residents to be vigilant of a possible scam that may be occurring using the Sheriff’s Office name and phone number. Reports have been received that residents have been contacted via telephone where a female caller with a foreign accent has identified herself as a Deputy Sheriff. The caller then informed the resident that a warrant has been issued for their arrest and they are to contact a law office by a specific time to get it taken care of, and are provided a telephone number. The purpose of the call to the law office is to settle the warrant by submitting confidential information, so that the caller can withdraw funds from a credit card or bank account.

The Elk County Sheriff’s Office DOES NOT settle warrant’s by requesting credit card or bank account information, nor does the office request the settlement of a warrant by asking a person to SEND or TRANSFER funds to a law office. If this scam is attempted on anyone, the Sheriff’s Office requests that residents file a report with their local police department.  

February 20, 2018

RESOLUTION 2018-01 "Operation Elk County"

On February 20, 2018 the Board of Commissioners for Elk County approved resolution 2018-01 supporting the formation of “Operation Elk County” to confront the opioid crisis and overall health and safety issues that Elk County citizens are confronted with. The primary objective of the committee will be to form working groups that will support the mission of promoting healthy lifestyles, preventing substance abuse, and work on improving access to treatment, recovery, and re-entry.

This initiative resulted from information that was gathered from the forums that were conducted by the Elk County District Attorney, the Elk County Sheriff, and Alcohol and Drug Abuse services during September and October of 2018. The Elk County Family Resource Network will play a significant role in the formation of the work groups with the full support of the Elk County Commissioners.

Pictured from left to right are Elk County District Attorney Shawn McMahon, Elk County Sheriff Todd Caltagarone, Elk County Commissioner Dan Freeburg, Elk County Commissioner Matt Quesenberry, Elk County Commissioner Jan Kemmer, and Lisa Cherry from Alcohol and drug Abuse Services, and representing the Elk Family Resource Network is Billie Jo Weyant From CAPSEA (Citizens Against Physical, Sexual, and Emotional Abuse).

January 17, 2018


On January 17th Pennsylvania’s Attorney General, Josh Shapiro visited Elk County and led a round table discussion on the Opioid Crisis confronting Pennsylvania. The multi-disciplinary group was represented by Matt Gabler’s Office, the Elk County Commissioners, The Elk County Clerk, Elk County Law Enforcement Agencies, the Elk County Prison, the Elk County Coroner, Alcohol Drug and Abuse Services, Citizens Against Physical, Sexual, & Emotional Abuse (CAPSEA), and other offices within Elk County Government. The discussion involved the issues that Elk County is confronted with and the impact on rural Pennsylvania and the ongoing initiatives to counter the epidemic. The Attorney General is committed to supporting all efforts that includes enforcement and access to treatment.   Pictured from left to right are Elk County Detective Gregg McManus, District Attorney Shawn McMahon, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, and Elk County Sheriff Todd Caltagarone.

November 20, 2017

It was October 3rd, 1863 following the Battle of Gettysburg during the civil war that President Abraham Lincoln declared that the fourth Thursday in every November be set aside as a day of Thanksgiving.   Thereafter that day has been a national holiday where family, friends, and neighbors come together and give thanks for the blessings bestowed upon our nation.   

The Elk County Sheriff's Office extends its very best wishes to all this Thanksgiving Day as family and friends celebrate together.  It is the beginning of the holiday season and marks one of the busiest travel and shopping times of the year with Black Friday and the weekend that follows.  So, please obey the posted speed limits, be mindful of changing weather conditions, and give yourself plenty of time when traveling.

September 26, 2017

On September 26 County Officials spent the afternoon at the Bennetts Valley Senior Center. District Attorney Shawn T. McMahon, Prothonotary Susanne Schneider, Commissioner Matt Queseneberry, Treasurer Peggy Schneider, Bill Orzechowski from the Office of Human Services, and Sheriff Todd Caltagarone enjoyed lunch with several senior citizens during their Fall Celebration. A drug take back of unused medications was also collected during the event.

September 20, 2017

As part of the ongoing movement to engage communities with their experiences and ideas on the broader drug crisis our citizens are facing, a Community Drug Forum facilitated by District Attorney Shawn McMahon, Sheriff Todd Caltagarone, and Lisa Cherry of Alcohol Drug Abuse Services was held at the Jones Township Municipal Building in Wilcox on September 20th. Sheriff Caltagarone, Ms. Cherry, & District Attorney McMahon are shown standing with “Big Jim” Downs who is on a 2,800 mile walk to bring awareness to addiction and addiction recovery. Himself, a recovering addict and two time felon, “Big Jim” shared his personal testimony and reliance on God that was the pivot in his life that led him to recovery. He is now walking, attending church services and meetings to bring awareness to the problem, talking about available resources for drug addicts and their families, and continuing the fight to help people with addiction recover.

September 6, 2017


As a continuation of the community anti-drug programs held throughout Elk County over the past fifteen months, Shawn T. McMahon, Elk County District Attorney, Todd Caltagarone, Elk County Sheriff, and Alcohol Drug Abuse Services, Inc. (ADAS) in partnership with WDDH The Hound, the Ridgway Record, St. Marys Daily Press, and The Kane Republican shall be holding community forums throughout the month of September. CLICK HERE for further details.

August 3, 2017

On August 3, 2017 Elk County Sheriff Todd Caltagarone, District Attorney Shawn McMahon, and County Detective Gregg McManus presented on the opioid epidemic to Elk County Family Resource Network members and their invited guests.  The presentation was held at the Office of Emergency Services on Ridgmont Drive in Ridgway, PA.


Elk County Sheriff Todd Caltagarone and District Attorney Shawn McMahon recording on "Talk of the Town" concerning the opioid crisis and drug addiction with Denny Heindl on WDDH 97.5 "The Hound" Radio Station.

Please be advised that the Elk County Sheriff's Office and all Courthouse Offices

will be CLOSED Tuesday, July 4th for the Independence Day Holiday.

June 30, 2017


This morning, The Elk County Sheriff's Office participated in the Children's Miracle Network event being held at the Leaning Pines Golf Course in St. Marys.  Chief Deputy Borza from the Sheriff's Office along with Officer Lehman of the St. Marys Police Department talked about gun safety with the NRA's Eddie Eagle Program.

June 27, 2017

This year Independence Day begins on a weekend thereby extending celebrations that will likely include sparklers, and other class “C” combustibles. The Elk County Sheriff’s Office encourages adults to supervise children and follow instructions when using legal fireworks. An adult should always supervise fireworks activities and never allow children to play with or ignite fireworks. Sparklers alone account for several injuries that result in visits to the emergency room. Never attempt to relight a firework if it fails the first time. Soak it in water and then discard the device. Also celebrations of this kind often involve the use of alcoholic beverages, so please do not use or employ any type of fireworks when consuming alcoholic beverages.   This only increases the chance of unintentional consequences that can result in injuries to the person or innocent bystanders.

The Elk County Sheriff’s Office hopes that everyone enjoys this year’s Independence celebrations and wishes all a good time.

For additional safety tips this year please visit

June 13, 2017


By Sheila Mazzaferro

What do people who suffer from Alzheimer’s, dementia, autism and down syndrome all have in common?....... The tendency to wander.

Over 5 million people in this country suffer from Alzheimer’s disease; 1 in 45 Americans have autism. Of those, 60% of Alzheimer’s patients and 49% of autistic persons will wander at some point. Because many are unable to communicate and become confused, these individuals cannot seek help to return home. The longer they are missing, the more increased the risk of serious injury or even death.

A typical search for these individuals takes approximately 9 hours. At a cost of $1,500 per hour, the average search comes to a total of $13,500. With Project Lifesaver, the average search is 30 minutes and to date they have a 100% success rate with 3,269 rescues.

Started in 1999, Project Lifesaver is an award winning program consisting of police, sheriff, fire, public safety departments and other emergency responders. The individual with tendencies to wander wears a small transmitter on their wrist or ankle that emits a tracking signal. It looks similar to a watch, but sends out one of three transmissions: radio frequency, global positioning system (GPS) or assisted global positioning system. When the individual is missing, a call is made to Project Lifesaver to explain the situation. They, in turn, will contact local responders with coordinates of the individual based on the tracking signal being sent. The responder now knows exactly where to look, saving crucial time.

The Project Lifesaver program currently has over 1,500 member agencies in 50 states, but there is some work involved to become a participant. Each participating agency receives a 2 day on-site training for up to 7 people and a 1 day training up to 7 people to become instructors for the program with re-certification every 2 years. Certified Project Lifesaver first responders are also trained to understand the behavior of adults and children that could be at risk. They also give instruction to families and caregivers for maintenance and for reporting if their loved one goes missing.

Bringing this issue to the forefront is imperative. Not only do we need to get the word out about this huge issue, but knowing there is a product out there that can help these families and give them peace of mind, gives us, as a community, enough of a reason to help raise the funds necessary. The funding can be helped with various grants but bringing awareness is the main way to help cover costs. 

For more information about Project Lifesaver, please visit their webpage at or call (757)546-5502.                                                        

LIFT staff, Sheila Mazzaferro and Hope Weichman recently met with Elk County Sheriff, Todd Caltagarone and 9-1-1 Coordinator, Sherri Lovett in an effort to collaborate to bring Project Lifesaver and its technology to Elk County. After researching and reviewing the benefits and value of this program, we are pleased to announce the partnership between these three agencies. 

A letter of intent will be written to Project Lifesaver as the beginning stage of the process. This can only become a reality with community support and involvement. LIFT will work to secure funding through local foundations and community sponsorships and as always, would welcome all contributions.

If you would like more information, please contact Sheila or Hope at 814-781-3050. To make a contribution to our local efforts for Project Lifesaver, send checks payable to LIFT (Project Lifesaver), 503 E. Arch St., St. Marys, PA 15857.

We cannot do this alone; we need you, the members of our community, to GET THE WORD OUT in order to make Project Lifesaver a SUCCESS!

June 9, 2017



The Elk County Sheriff’s Office encourages citizens to use the Drug Collection Boxes that are available at several locations throughout the County to dispose of unused medications. They are located at the Elk County Sheriff’s Office, the City of St. Marys Police Department, the Ridgway Borough Police Department, and the Johnsonburg Police Department. Any personal information on the medicine containers such as patient names should be blacked or lined out. This collaborative program is a joint effort in addressing the drug epidemic by minimizing the availability and abuse of unused medications, and to safely destroy them in a way that is not hazardous to the environment. Any questions concerning the program can be addressed to Elk County Sheriff Todd Caltagarone at 776-5353 or by email – ..  


  • Prescriptions
  • Prescription Patches
  • Prescription Medications
  • Prescription Ointments
  • Over the counter Medications
  • Vitamins
  • Sample medications
  • Pet Medications

May 31, 2017

On Thursday May 25, the Elk County Commissioners and Sheriff Todd Caltagarone visited the Jones Township Senior Center and had lunch with several Jones Township seniors. Sheriff Caltagarone presented on the current opioid epidemic that Pennsylvania is currently confronted with. He framed the current crisis to bring a clearer perspective and laid out the Commonwealth and Elk County’s response.  A significant part of that plan involves a “Drug Take Back” of unused medications to help minimize the possibility of illicit use and to destroy the product in an environmentally safe way.  The visit to the Jones Twp Senior Center did include a “Drug Take Back”, where 8.5 pounds of unused medications were collected.  Any organization interested in conducting a “Drug Take Back” for their employees or members please contact the Elk County Sheriff’s Office at 776-5353 or by emailing the Sheriff at .">..

Pictured from left to right front row are: Shirley Stanley, Beverly Cook, and Jean Swanson.

Back row: Elk County Commissioner Dan Freeburg, Elk County Sheriff Todd Caltagarone, Elk County Commissioner Matt Quesenberry, Daisy Sutter, and Elk County Commissioner Jan Kemmer.

May 2, 2017

The Office of the Elk County Sheriff and Elk County District Attorney in collaboration with area local law enforcement agencies have collected 232.6 pounds of unused medicines for destruction over the last two months.  On May 2, 2017, the collection was transferred to Agents from the PA Attorney General’s Office and soldiers from the PA National Guard.  Total collected for 2017 thusfar has been 525.9 pounds.  This medicine collection program is designed to minimize the availability of unused medications that can be abused and to destroy them in an environmentally safe way.  Med collection boxes are available at the Elk County Sheriff’s Office, the Ridgway Police Department, the St. Marys Police Department, and the Johnsonburg Police Department.  The collection boxes allow medications to be disposed of in a manner whereby they are not retrievable by the general public and the contents remain confidential.  Pictured below from left to right are Sheriff Todd Caltagarone, Deputy Jason McDermott, and Chief Deputy James Borza.  Also pictured are soldiers from Fort Indiantown Gap.


May 2, 2017

Our License to Carry technical issues have been resolved.  We are now able to issue permits again.  Thank you.

April 24, 2017

AT ECCHS on MAY 9th...

The public should be aware that this event will involve a simulated crash with injuries and entail the movement of emergency vehicles utilizing sirens and other emergency warning signals. Messages will be broadcast over emergency frequencies that will make this seem like an active incident. We emphasize that this is a student led pre-prom program that has been planned and carefully coordinated by ECCHS student leaders, so please do not be alarmed.

The program will begin on or about 12:30 P.M. on May 9, 2017.  

Motorists are asked to use caution while traveling in the area of

Maurus Street in St. Marys during this event.   More information will follow.

(Photos above are from the 2015 ECCHS Prom Promise Event.)

April 18, 2017

Adopt-a-Highway Program in Benezette... 
Earlier today, the Elk County Sheriff's Office assisted Benezette Township with their Adopt-a-Highway Trash pickup program along Route 555 by providing a marked patrol unit in the area to help with the safety of the volunteers. Thank you to all who volunteered their time this morning to help keep our County looking its best.

April 4, 2017

D.A.R.E. Program Graduation held at St. Marys Area Middle School...

On Friday, March 31, 2017, one hundred sixty-one sixth grade students from the St. Marys Area Middle School graduated from the D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program.    

                             2017 Essay Winners                               

Essay Winner Robert "Clay" Smith

D.A.R.E. Graduation Program  

March 14, 2017


February 28, 2017


The Office of the Elk County Sheriff and Elk County District Attorney in collaboration with area local law enforcement agencies have collected 293.3 pounds of unused medicines for destruction.   The collection was transferred to Agents from the PA Attorney General’s Office and soldiers from the PA National Guard on February 28th.  This medical collection program is designed to minimize the availability of unused medications that can be abused and to destroy them in an environmentally safe way.  Medical collection boxes are available at the Elk County Sheriff’s Office, the Ridgway Police Department, the St. Marys Police Department, and the Johnsonburg Police Department.  The collection boxes allow medications to be disposed of in a manner whereby they are not retrievable by the general public and the contents remain confidential.  Pictured above from left to right are Chief Deputy James Borza, Lt. William Gerg, and Sheriff Todd Caltagarone.


The Elk County Sheriff’s Office is pleased to announce the addition of a MedReturn Drug Collection Unit in our office. Items can be dropped off during our office hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.  CLICK HERE for the MedReturn flyer and information.



  •  Samples
  •  Over-the-counter medications
  •  Prescription medications
  •  Prescriptions
  •  Prescription patches
  •  Prescription ointments
  •  Vitamins
  •  Medications for pets


  •  Aerosol cans
  •  Medications from businesses/clinics
  •  Thermometers
  •  Hydrogen peroxide
  •  Needles (Sharps)
  •  Inhalers
  •  Ointments, lotions or liquids


If you are planning to visit the Elk County Courthouse, please CLICK HERE to review items that cannot be brought into the Courthouse.

Read 22625 times Last modified on Wednesday, 09 September 2020 15:41
More in this category: « About the Elk County Sheriff FORMS »


Elk County Courthouse
250 Main Street
P.O. Box 448
Ridgway, PA 15853

Elk County Courthouse Annex
300 Center Street
P.O. Box 448
Ridgway, PA 15853