Tuesday, 10 May 2016 01:21

About Elk County Planning Department

Tracy Gerber, Planning Director, 
Becki Taylor, CDBG Coordinator, 
Kathy McClelland, Office Manager/Housing Specialist

Elk County Courthouse Annex
300 Center Street
P.O. Box 448
Ridgway, PA 15853
(814) 776-5335
(814) 776-5379 --FAX
Email: ."> .

Mission Statement

The Elk County Planning Department is responsible for carrying out the duties as set forth in the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (MPC) PA Act 247 of 1968, as amended and enacted. The Planning Department staff works directly with the Elk County Commissioners and the Elk County Planning Commission. The Planning Commission consists of nine members each representing an area of the County.


  • Prepares and updates the Elk County Comprehensive Plan, which includes information on population, housing, economy, land use, transportation utilities, government facilities, recreation and the environment.

  • Administers the County's Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance and reviews plans originating from municipalities having their own ordinances.

  • Assists any of the County's twelve municipalities in preparing, modifying and reviewing comprehensive plans, zoning and subdivision ordinances, the National Flood Insurance Program, sewage planning modules as required by the Department of Environmental Protection, and other ordinances and services.

  • Acts as a conduit for access to federal and state grant programs such as the Community Development Block Grant Program, and the HOME Program.

  • Represents the County on a number of committees, boards, and organizations either by Commissioner appointment or by virtue of being a county planning agency.

  • Works closely with other County Offices such as the Assessment Office, the Recorder of Deeds Office, and the IT/GIS Office to provide services and information to to general public as needed.


The Pennsylvania Wilds is a special place. It contains charming communities, vast forests, spectacular landforms, clean rivers, and streams, and an array of other natural resources. It is important for our communities in the Pennsylvania Wilds to enjoy economic growth while still being good stewards of the land and protecting the region's character and charm. The information contained in this Design Guide will assist communities in reaping the benefits of change and growth while protecting their treasured characters. Use of this Design Guide is voluntary; however there are many benefits to applying its principles.

This Design Guide sets forth physical design objectives for building placement, architecture, landscaping, signs, lighting, grading, land use arrangement, natural resource conservation, and other related items. The Guide includes photographs, illustrations, and text descriptions of design elements and land use patterns that are desirable in the Pennsylvania Wilds.

By following the principles in this Guide, Pennsylvania Wilds region will retain and strengthen its core identity, maintain a distinct visual character, influence development to be considerate of the land it occupies, and ensure that its various features positively relate to the region as a whole.

For a complete copy of the Design Guide click below.

Design Guide

Act 167 Stormwater Management Plan

On September 16, 2010 Elk County received notification from the Department of Environmental Protection that the county’s Act 167 Stormwater Management Plan (SMP) has been approved.

A model stormwater management ordinance was prepared by Elk County as part of the SMP and was transmitted by Elk County to the municipalities prior to the county’s adoption of the SMP. Municipalities were required to adopt the plan and pass a SW Management Ordinance.

All twelve (12) of Elk County's municipalities have adopted an ordinance and are responsible for enforcement of their ordinance. Please contact your local municipal office for further information.

A copy of Elk County’s SMP Plan is located below. Any resident or business planning construction in the future must follow the SMP ordinance according to the municipality where the construction will occur. 

The purpose of the Act 167 Plan is to provide comprehensive stormwater management designed to preserve and restore the flood carrying capacity of Commonwealth streams; to preserve natural stormwater regimes and natural course; current and cross-section of waters of the Commonwealth; to protect and conserve groundwater and groundwater recharge areas; and to encourage planning and management of stormwater runoff in each designated watershed which is consistent with sound water and land use practices.

Act 167 Volume 1 - Final

Act 167 Volume 2 - Final

Act 167 Volume 3 - Final

If you have any questions please contact Tracy Gerber Mon. through Fri., 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. by calling
814-776-5335 or by email at .">. 

In order to carry out its over-all responsibilities, the Commission's basic areas of activity include the following:

  • Grantsmanship - RUS, HUD, DCED, DEP, DCNR, PHMC, U.S. DA, PA DOT
  • Comprehensive County Plan - Preparation and implementation of a comprehensive plan for the County with recommendations on land use, community facilities, transportation, capital budgeting, housing, economic development, land use, quality of life.
  • Continuing Planning Program - Continuing review of all planning proposals and development controls in relation to changing factors and making appropriate revisions.
  • Zoning and Subdivision - Preparation and administration of land subdivision regulations and participation in zoning plans to assist local communities in developing their individual land use decisions.
  • Local Planning Assistance - Provide County communities with advisory and coordinating services in respect to development and local planning. Provide information and advice on planning in general to all local governments, agencies, groups and individuals and inform the public on the activities of the Commission.
  • Data Center - Development and maintenance of a data center where basic facts will be made available to interested persons, agencies, and municipalities concerning the physical, economic, social, and governmental characteristics of the County including a library of local plans and development controls, and Federal and State community aid programs.
  • Stormwater Management
  • Transportation/Highway/Bridge Administration & Prioritization
  • Economic Development
  • Community Development/Downtown Revitalization Programs
  • Housing Development


Read 15282 times Last modified on Tuesday, 12 April 2022 15:44
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Elk County Courthouse
250 Main Street
P.O. Box 448
Ridgway, PA 15853

Elk County Courthouse Annex
300 Center Street
P.O. Box 448
Ridgway, PA 15853